Canciones geológicas: Brad Paisley – Two Feet Of Topsoil

Brad Paisley es un cantante y compositor de Estados Unidos, cuya música tiene un estilo de country con toques de rock y pop. Sus letras tienen temas actuales y utiliza mucho el humor como recurso a la hora de contar y cantar sus historias.

Esta canción, cuyos autores son Brad Paisley y Robert Arthur, es el primer track del disco Part II, lanzado en 2001.

Para los interesados en conocer más sobre el country, les recomiendo el libro Chicken soup for the soul: Country Music.

Esta canción tendrá su traducción el próximo viernes en otro post, porque de verdad vale la pena.

Two Feet Of Topsoil

Yesterday, I thought that I was low as I could get
I had hit rock bottom ever since you up and left
But this morning when I saw you
With somebody else, well needless to say
That’s when I started sinking even lower
And as far as where I am at today

Well, there’s two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur, a little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath, then there’s me

Now I was kinda hopin’ I could dig my way back out
A couple dozen roses maybe get you back somehow
But the love in your eyes as you talked to him today was plain to see
So I ain’t gonna get involved, but
Should you change your mind
Well, you know right where I’ll be

There’s two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur, a little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath, then there’s me

Well, there’s two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur, a little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath

Yeah, there’s two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur, a little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath, then there’s me

Grandioso, ¿verdad?

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