Once again a text by Charlotte Gill. Aparecerá traducido a castellano el próximo viernes.

It is already usual for me to choose some paragraphs from the book «Eating dirt» by Charlotte Gill, because they are excellent.

Today I share the following:

Plants possess a magic we lack. They spin matter out of air and light, photons into food and into living, breathing tissue…

…Kingdom Plantae, after all is the reason we eat and breathe. Petroleum, too, is dinosaur vegetation, centuries of sunlight trapped deep in the earth’s Carboniferous wafers like butterflies preserved between the pages of a book. And so, we even owe our cars to the jungles of antiquity.

I love these texts, nevertheless I must say that some things are not just as described above. Petroleum is not only produced by plants, but also by ancient animals, mainly microorganisms; and Carboniferous is not the only era when it was generated.

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Un abrazo y hasta el lunes. Graciela.

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